Workshops of Culture in Lublin cordially invite you to the 34th edition of Miasto Movie.
About the event
Transport is an essential necessity in every city. It can consist of a network of services that assists in transporting people as well as the freighting of goods.
It livens a city and keeps it in motion.
Fillmakers often use transport as a scene in their films or make it a major part of their plot resulting in a wide variety of films about trains, subways, planes, cars an buses. Many blockbusters were produced with transport as its subject.
Miasto Movie’s winter edition will be displaying some of the most interesting titles associated with transport as its theme.
February – listing:
1 February 2023 | ”Gleaming the Cube” dir. Graeme Clifford, runtime: 100’, 1989.
8 February, 2023 | ”Ford v Ferrari” dir. James Mangold, runtime: 152’, 2019.
15 February, 2023 | ”Green Book” dir. Peter Farrelly, runtime: 130’, 2018.
22 February, 2023 |”The Boat That Rocked” dir. Richard Curtis, runtime: 135’, 2009.
When: 1, 8, 15 and 22 February 2023, 19.00
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, 2nd floor – auditorium
Language: original audio, Polish subtitles
Admission free