Plakat zapowiadający Noc Kultury 2021.

This year’s long-awaited Night of Culture takes place between 4 June and 21 July.  This special edition will last several weeks and take the form of strolls in search of installations hidden around Lublin’s Old Town. 

The reasons are clear. Workshops of Culture want to ensure the safety of participants by extending the display of installations way beyond one night. While wandering around the streets, back alleys and gates in the Old Town, we will look for magic and beauty.  The installations will change every week. We will show you objects that couldn’t appear last year, and reveal brand-new creations. We will soon deliver the complete programme at

This year’s theme is Might of Culture. Might is potent and powerful. The word might can also mean forceful spiritual energy. Motivating and rallying others to combine their strength and work together. We’re stronger when we’re together. Might is in people! We want to invite everyone to rediscover Lublin and continue to treat it tenderly. As it is your presence that inspires and drives our activities.

May Might of Culture be with you!

Night of Culture 
4 June – 21 July 2021
Lublin, Old Town
free admission