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Duel | Miasto Movie

About the film

“Duel” – Steven Spielberg’s debut feature-length film, demonstrating his dazzling talent and incredible vision. In this gripping story, a lone driver (Dennis Weaver) travels through the deserted wilderness of the United States. The protagonist is coming back home from a business trip, making his way through never-ending routes. At some point, he overtakes an old truck, which determines what happens next. The truck driver turns out to be a dangerous psychopath and from that point on, he embarks on a murderous pursuit. Spielberg, who would later become the father of American blockbusters, managed to create Hitchcock-worthy suspense and tension, in spite of a strict budget and limited resources. “Duel” remains a classic survival film that keeps viewers on their toes.


When: 15 March 2023, 11.00
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, auditorium – 2nd floor
Free admission

March 2023

Original audio, Polish subtitles


15 March 2023




Workshops of Culture in Lublin, Grodzka 5a - auditorium 2nd floor
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