Czarno-biała fotografia kobiety i mężczyzny w tradycyjnym stroju ludowym Ukrainy.

Exhibition “Ukraine and Ukrainians” | The Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture

About the Event

The exhibition “Ukraine and Ukrainians” features images from the early 20th century taken from the Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture (Kiyv, Ukraine). Ivan Honchar first compiled the images in his 18-volume historical-ethnographic album with the same name.

Among the array of photographs, we have chosen around 40 images presenting Ukrainians of the past centuries. Proud of their origin, magnificent, intent, freedom-loving – these are the ancestors of Ukrainians.

Ivan Honchar travelled extensively across Ukraine between the 1960s and the beginning of the 1990s to build his collection. Until the end of his life, he continued to work on the historical-ethnographic album that provided a cultural panorama of his own country. The author’s greatest dream was to see this work published. Today, we have the honour of sharing a portion of this magnificent collection with the world in support of that objective.

 “A deep and almost jealous love for one’s compatriots nourishes everything that is noblest and most human. It is a quality inherent in all nations. It is also an inexhaustible source of human energy, a stirring incitement to patriotism, and our most potent defence against the enemy’s assaults on our dignity. It fosters both global solidarity and humanity at the same time. Through deep knowledge of himself and his people, man learns the most about the world – and what is common to him in the lives and works of other nations. Cultivating love for one’s own community might also help one gain a deeper understanding of other people’s values.”  Ivan Honchar


When: 3–31 August

Where: The Hartwig Alley, Kowalska 3

Admission free


03 - 31 August 2022


08:00 - 18:00


Kowalska 3 / The Hartwig Alley
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