Hidden Figures | Miasto Movie
Miasto Movie’s coming back! Spring in Miasto movie was supposed to belong to women. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic that brutally thwarted everyone’s plans, including those of cinemagoers, we were forced to pause our screenings. Today, when we slowly enter summertime, we want to return with titles planned for March and April and present The City of Women movies at outdoor screenings in our atmospheric patio at Grodzka 7.
Please note, registration is required: https://forms.gle/ZDyCfepQavk38TSs9
Based on authentic events, this is an extraordinary story set when the American NASA was racing the Soviets to conquer space. At the turn of the 1960s, both racism and patriarchy are a daily occurrence, including in government institutions. NASA is no exception in this respect, and the actual power here is solely that of white men. Three extraordinary women must work in this environment. They are Katherine (Taraji P. Henson) a modest yet ingenious mathematician, the resourceful Dorothy (Octavia Spencer) and Mary (Janelle Monae), the most independent and emancipated of them all. They all significantly contributed to the successful space mission of the astronaut John Glenn. “Hidden figures” does justice to these women and introduces a little known, albeit fascinating episode in the history of the US.
When: 10 June, Wednesday. 20.30
Where: Workshops of Culture
Free admission, the number of places is limited – registration required.