Photography Studio from 100 years ago – a tour
Visit the Photography Studio in the Hartwig Alley, discover the secrets of noble photography techniques and explore how photographers worked 100 years ago.
The Hartwig Alley in Lublin is home to the small Photography Studio run by Roman Krawczenko, an artist-photographer specialising in noble photography techniques. While visiting this magical place, you can discover what an old photography studio looked like and how it operated and how photographers and lab assistants worked at the turn of the 20th century. You can also get acquainted with noble photography techniques and their history.
The tour covers:
- ambrotype technique
- the history of photography
- cameras of our great grandparents and how they worked
- the darkroom
- checking out how an image emerges on paper or glass
You can also make a glass portrait using the collodion technique.
When: 5,6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 October 2023, 12.00-16.00
Where: Photography Studio, The Hartwig Alley / Kowalska 3
Admission free.