Grafika ze starszy mężczyzną i chłopcem, którzy trzymają za sznurek dom. Dom unosi się do góry przez balony, które zaczepione są do dachu.

Up | Miasto Movie


Miasto Movie’s May edition will wrap up with the phenomenal animation “Up,” a two-time Oscar winner from Pixar. It tells the story of 70-year-old Carl, who, following his wife’s death, turns his house into an airship and flies off, leaving his previous life behind him. By chance or misfortune, an 8-year-old boy named Russell becomes an unexpected stowaway on this journey Together, they face many adventures and discover the truth about themselves and the world around them.
“Up” is widely regarded by audiences and critics as one of the greatest animated films of all time. This wise, instructive, and highly entertaining masterpiece is sure to delight audiences of all ages, especially on May 31st, just in time for Children’s Day. It perfectly complements Miasto Movie’s spring theme – the city of generations.


When: Wednesday, 31 May, 7.00 p.m.
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, auditorium – 2nd floor
Free admission

Polish language

May 2023 films




31 May 2023




Workshops of Culture in Lublin, Grodzka 5a - auditorium 2nd floor
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