A shot from the film. A woman is looking through a fence.

Aida | Miasto Movie

dir. Jasmila Žbanić, runtime 104’, 2020


This is one of the most important and best European films in recent years. Director Jasmila Žbanić, whose unforgettable Grbavica captivated the world, returns with a stunning film that lingers in the memory long after it’s over. Aida (Djuricic) is a UN translator in Srebrenica. As Bosnians flee from the war, they gather in a makeshift military base. Aida’s two growing sons and her husband are also part of the group. People are becoming more and more alarmed at the helplessness of the UN forces. In the meantime, Serbian troops commanded by the cruel General Ratko Mladic are inexorably approaching the city. The film perfectly captures the painful truth about the war in former Yugoslavia, the personal dramas and traumas of the characters, and, more importantly, a universal warning to the modern world.

Practical Information

When: 16 March 2022, 19.00
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, auditorium
Free admission


1. Bring your face masks
2. If you are showing symptoms of cold, stay at home.

More in March 2022:

2 March 2022, 19.00 –  The Guilty, dir. Gustav Möller, runtime 85’, 2018

9 March  2022,  19.00 –  The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, dir. Phil Alden Robinson, runtime 83‘, 2014

23 March 2022, 19.00 – Pain and Glory, dir. Pedro Almodóvar, runtime 113’, 2019

30 March 2022, 9.00 – Another Round, dir. Thomas Vinterberg, runtime 115’, 2020



16 March 2022




Workshops of Culture in Lublin, Grodzka 5a - auditorium 2nd floor
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