Songs of Herbs | Part 4: Hops
There are regions in Poland that towards the end of summer fill with the fragrance of freshly cut and dried hops. The symbolism of this plan is important and rooted in our culture to the point that, according to folk traditions, no wedding could take place without it.
Wedding and especially its culminating point – oczepiny when special songs featuring hops were sung. The plant was also important for many other customs related to the rite. Ania Broda will tell you about how old the song is and who it inspired over the centuries. As always, Ania will also perform her own interpretation of the song.
As you know, this year The Jagiellonian Fair focuses on herbs. We want to show you that these special plants are not just an important element of nature, but also culture. They are used as motifs in traditional crafts and visual arts, beliefs and songs.
And it is on this last topic that we will focus this time. We have asked Ania Broda, who uses traditional music in her work, to present interpretations of old songs that talk about plants.
What did komnopielka songs from Podlasie include? Listen yourselves!
When: Fridays (19 June, 26 June, 3 July, 10 July, 17 July, 24 July) at 14.00
Where: The Jagiellonian Fair Facebook
For whom: For everyone