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Thelma & Louise | Miasto movie

About the film

“Thelma & Louise” – Ridley Scott’s legendary Oscar-winning screenplay, topped off with the outstanding acting of Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis. “Thelma & Louise” is everything at once: a road movie, a feminist manifesto, a crime drama, and one of the most iconic films of the late 20th century. A housewife and a waitress set out on a trip that turns into a daring escape. The women are  running not only from the police, but also from rigid and oppressive social norms, patriarchal brutality, and stereotypical female roles. Over the years, this landmark American film has retained its relevance and class. In addition to Davis and Sarandon, the film also stars Brad Pitt, Harvey Keitel, and Michael Madsen.


When: 8 March 2023, 11.00
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, auditorium – 2nd floor
Free admission

March 2023

Original audio, Polish subtitles


08 March 2023




Workshops of Culture in Lublin, Grodzka 5a - auditorium 2nd floor
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