Tokyo Story | Miasto Movie
A masterpiece by the Japanese master filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu. The story revolves around two elderly people residing in a rural area who decide to visit their grown-up children living in Tokyo. They know this may be their last opportunity to meet their children, so they embark on the journey with high hopes and good intentions. However, upon arriving in Tokyo, they discover that their children are too busy working and act indifferent to their visit. The film is minimalist, with a slow pace, subtle acting, and a perfect sense of frame composition. It is a touching story about real people and their everyday lives. Despite being over 70 years old, it remains timeless and universal in its message. It’s a truly remarkable film.
When: 12 April 2023, 19.00
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a – auditorium – 2nd floor
Free admission
Original audio, Polish subtitles
April 2023 films
- 5 April 2023, 7.00 p.m. – “Capernaum”, dir. Nadine Labaki, runtime 120’, 2018
- 12 April 2023, 7.00 p.m. – “Tokyo Story”, dir. Yasujiro Ozu, runtime 136’, 1953
- 19 April 2023, 7.00 p.m. – “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”, dir. John Madden, runtime 124’, 2011
- 26 April 2023, 7.00 p.m. – “Creed”, dir. Ryan Coogler, runtime 133’, 2015