Calendar Girls | Miasto movie
The film is based on a true story and follows the lives of two retired friends, Chris and Annie, played by the excellent Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. They live in Yorkshire County and enjoy gardening, baking, and crafting with other women from the local Women’s Institute. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they decide to create a nude calendar to raise funds for the local hospital. The calendar gains attention from local, national, and even global media, leading to a tour in the United States. Despite the success, the friends face conflicts and differing opinions. Nigel Cole’s film is a beloved British comedy-drama that is both clever and uplifting.
When: Wednesday, 1o May, 7.00 p.m.
Where: Workshops of Culture, Grodzka 5a, auditorium – 2nd floor
Free admission
Original audio, Polish subtitles.
May 2023 films
- 10 May 2023, 7.00 p.m. |“Calendar Girls”, dir. Nigel Cole, runtime: 108′, 2003
- 17 May 2023, 7.00 p.m. |“The Goonies”, dir. Richard Donner, runtime: 110′, 1985
- 24 May 2023, 7.00 p.m. | “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote”, dir. Terry Gilliam, runtime: 132′, 2018
- 31 May 2023, 7.00 p.m. | “Up”, dir. Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, runtime: 96’, 2009